Nanotechnology Center for Сomposites provides lathe work and turn-milling. In 2013 NCC acquired two units of modern Japanese equipment for its machining workshop: CNC turning lathe and multi-operated turn-milling machining center.




CNC turning lathe is designed for parts processing, where elements of rotation bodies are predominant. The combination of high stiffness, powerful motor-spindle and high precision lathe allows you to combine the power cut with fine processing successfully and grants you an opportunity to machine steel parts in hardened condition. The flexible configuration and high performance, precision and reliability are the hallmarks of the equipment. The turning lathe combines the turning and milling functions with power-driven tool and the Y axis.  


Multi-operated turn-milling machining center combines the advantages of turning lathe and mill-drill machining centers. The presence of secondary spindle allows performing full processing of items on one machine for one set-up (depending on the items). All the above mentioned allows us to reduce operational time, costs and a number of the necessary options.


These equipment items are intended for processing of items from aluminum alloys, brass, steel, cast iron and hard alloys.



The advantages are the following:heatproof machine construction guarantees high precision processing;

  • high-tension foundation slab and guard ways;
  • high performance when milling;
  • the minimum probability of defects;
  • versatility;
  • thermal deformation over time is minimal;
  • contouring accuracy (roundness) is 2.8 µm.;
  • out-of-roundness: standard spindle is 0.3 µm at 1800 rpm.;secondary spindle is 0.3 µm at 4000 rpm;
  • stable surface finish;
  • due to the fact that a single processing centre carries out a full cycle processing, we have competitive price


Prices are given upon request.



Call us: +7 495 775 46 94 ext.# 7033


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Our managers will be pleased to answer any of your questions.